How to Enable Super Administrator Account in Windows 7, 8, 10 or Vista Through Command Prompt.

Windows now takes on the largest number of users because it is more user friendly. Today i am going to discus How to Enable Super Administrator Account in Windows 7, 8, 10 or Vista. When you install windows operating system, you can create user accounts but the truth remains you do not have Super Administrator Rights. Below is how to activate Administrator account.

How to Enable Windows Super Administrator Account

1. To enable the Super Administrator account in windows, Click on Start to search CMD from all program files in the search box at the bottom left corner. The CMD program will appear at top, Right-click on it to ‘Run as administrator’.

 2. In CMD, type "Net user Administrator /active:yes" and press the Enter button on the keyboard to Enable Super Administrator account.

3. CMD will return a message "The command completed successfully." 

enable super administrator account in windows

It Important to enable or activate Super Administrator Account because it grants us full control of our computer especially during serious trouble shooting of the PC and un-installation of totally harm-full software.

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